Source SHIGO 2002 CD's

This oak sample - oak is a true heartwood forming tree,  has had drill wounds to the sapwood and heartwood.  You can see the chemically altered (color altered or known as discolored wood) from the wounds.
Here we have color altered wood in the heartwood and color altered sapwood.  While heartwood is thought of as dead it still responds to wounding.  Wall 2 (arrow) RESISTING THE SPREAD TOWARDS THE PITH.  Wall 3 RESISTING THE SPREAD IN CIRCUMFERENCE.  And Wall 4  RESISTING THE SPREAD INTO THE NEWLY FORMED WOOD AFTER THE TIME OF WOUNDING.  Wall 1 cannot be examined in a cross section view.  The tree would have to be dissected in the longitudinal plane to see the resistance. 











Here in this oak the heartwood formation was disrupted.  The color altered wood inside the heartwood at that location suggest some type of wound or injury played a part.

































Above:  Here in this oak we see LONGITUDINAL AND RADIAL VIEWS.  Here the heartwood in the longitudinal is consistent yet contains columns of color altered wood within the heartwood from a wound or an injury and there is the sapwood..

In the radial view we get another look at the wound, which was serious, by the revealing of the rams horning type closure.  The radial sections have come from below the longitudinal sections and are the sites of the beginning of the columns of color altered wood in the longitudinal section.

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